These requirements serve as guideposts, encouraging students to seek out new things to learn and teachers to share their knowledge. Classes can only be applied to one degree, and only one instance of each class will be counted, though teaching a class is counted separately from taking that class.
If you have a membership number registered in the RUM system, you can request a link that will allow you to assign your classes to degrees. You can also work with your local A&S Officer or RUM Provost to help you with this. Once you have assigned your classes and completed any required projects, you can apply for graduation at an upcoming event.
The Scholar degree represents a broad based general education, covering a variety of different fields of study.
Example: 1 Literature, 1 Performing Arts & Gaming, 1 Trades & Crafts, 1 Science & Technology, 1 Military & Combat Studies, 3 Heraldic Studies, 3 Extra-European Studies, 3 Current Middle Ages, 3 Apparel Arts & Sciences, 3 Animal Studies
The Lector degree recognizes focus on a single general area of study.
Example: Taking 10 classes from the Apparel Arts & Sciences College.
The Magister degree is awarded for contributing to the education of others in a specifc field.
Example: Taking 10 classes from the Apparel Arts & Sciences College.
This degree recognizes great dedication to learning and teaching.